In India, women go through a lot of scrutinies on a daily basis at all places, be it home or work. The stigma associated with women here makes it difficult for women to explore their personalities. Women being too busy with official and household work often move on, turning a blind eye to the emotions that bottle up. Seldom do they sit down and give themselves that required break to work upon self. One effective way to slow down from the hustle-bustle of life and work on self is through Self Help Books.
Listed below are 15 such great self-help books for women to kick-start introspection and work on personal growth.
1. The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide To Ancient Self-Care ~ Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner
Self-care starts with self-awareness. In order to nourish your other relationships, it is important to work on a relationship with self. This book will help you ritualize your life enabling a deeper connection with oneself and thus fostering better connect with others.
You can buy the book here.
2. BECOMING ~ Michelle Obama
As the former first lady of the USA, Michelle Obama takes the readers through accounts of her life that are compelling enough to give women a fresh perspective in life. The book takes the reader into reflective mode and inspires them into becoming stronger to face the challenges of life.
You can buy the book here.
Also, check the list of other Books by Michelle Obama

3. Year of Yes ~ Shonda Rhimes
Shonda of The Grey’s Anatomy transformed her life with a Year of Yes! This book is a must-read if you are hesitant to say yes or are afraid to step out of your comfort zone. A must-read for all the women who are battling with insecurities and is hampering their growth.
You can buy the book here.
4. Girl Stop Apologizing ~ Rachel Hollis
Are you the woman who is constantly trying to be a better version of yourself? This book is the one you should read as it focuses on certain do’s and don’ts that would enable you to accept yourself as it is and deal with baseless guilt women surround themselves with.
You can by the book here
5. You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life ~ Jen Sincero
In this book, the author shares some inspiring stories that are hilarious along with some advice and exercises to help readers create a life they have always thought of and be the badass in all spheres of life. The readers can be sure of self-confidence boost with this amazing book.
You can by the book here
6. Daring Greatly ~ Brene Brown
Does your vulnerable side scare you off? If yes, then this is the book you need to hold to put an end to that fear. Daring Greatly will instill in you the strength to feel perfect with those imperfections. Women will feel equipped to have one on one with self on the things they shy away from. It is an encouraging life-changing book.
You can by the book here.
7. Present Over Perfect ~ Shauna Niequist
Women often feel exhausted and are unable to find Balance in their chaotic life. This book helps to find that ground and strike a balance. It gives powerful insights as to what is important and what isn’t. Women will get a good understanding of what to focus on and what to scrap basis the book.
You can buy the book here.
8. The Myth Of The Nice Girl ~ Fran Hauser
Women always find it difficult to be the person they really are. This book touches upon the stereotypes that surround with the definition of a woman’s personality in the business world. If you are facing this dilemma of how to be in the professional world, then this is your book.
You can buy the book here.
9. Badass Affirmations ~ Becca Anderson
It is as important to feed our brain daily as our stomach. Becca talks about the affirmations we need to reiterate daily to keep ourselves going and refreshed. This book is a great guide for Brain Diet.
You can buy the book here.

10. Rising Strong ~ Brene Brown
Women often find it hard to deal with their emotions. If one learns to find comfort in discomfort then it is going to make life much easier and happier. This book is a must-read to handle those emotions and channelizing them towards self-growth.
You can buy the book here.
11. Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office ~ P Frankel
Is something sabotaging your career? Find out what is that something as Frankel points over 101 mistakes that you might be doing to sabotage your professional growth. Check this book out to catch on some of the great tips to enhance your credibility at the workplace.
You can buy the book here.
12. Girl Wash Your Face ~ Rachel Hollis
Stopped dreaming? This book will inspire you to dream again. Readers will find the right strategies in this book to set oneself free and enjoy thoroughly without holding back. This book serves as a life coach and urges to find your way.
You can buy the book here.
13. You Are Born To Blossom ~ A P J Abdul Kalam
Looking for a dose of positivity? Dr Kalam in this book iterates that there is no age limit o growth. Further, he talks about creating favourable conditions that can enable individuals to grow.
You can buy the book here.
14. Everything Happens For a Reason ~ Mira Krishenbaum
Going through a difficult time? Psychotherapist Mira encourages readers to understand and believe that whatever good or bad happens is in our best interest. The takeaway from the book is to accept and learn through it. If you are finding it hard to move on from a bad past event in life, this book has a lot in store for you.
You can buy the book here.
15. Maybe You Should Talk To Someone ~ Lori Gottlieb
Mental Health problems are rising each day. Women being emotional face it much more than men. If you are dealing with something like this and finding it hard to talk to someone then this book will help you resonate as to why and what you are going through. It is sure to give you insights to break the pattern and feel better.
You can buy the book here.
It is rightly said, “Once we understand ourselves completely, what others think of us doesn’t matter”. Self Help books help us, women, to have complete knowledge about ourselves. We often feel the need to unwind and express. These books will enable us to accomplish self-goals and help achieve the wisdom to let go.
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