A beautifully clicked picture can undoubtedly speak to you in a million ways but adding some actual “words” can define it even better with a bit of context and a story. This applies to the most popular social media platform- Instagram also. “Captions” in Instagram add meaning to your picture and decide the engagement on your feed. A well-crafted and witty caption can notch your picture to yet another level. We have compiled a list of 50 unique and amazing Instagram captions for girl selfies which will ensure terrific engagement on your pictures. Feel free to copy-paste these and enjoy:
- A bit of “pink” a day, keep the blues away. #Loveforpink #Nomoreblues

2) Carpe Diem, even in 2020. When was life predictable anyway? #StopCursing2020 #SeizeTheMoment.

3) Not in a mood to dress up today. Here’s my #OOTD #BadOutFitDay

4) Not every woman wants to be Marie Kondo. I love me some mess – “Hot Mess”!! #hotmess #gloriousmess

5) Summing up this holiday with some sea, sand, sun and my “resting beach face”. #rbf #beachbum #seasandsun

6) May be I’m born with it, maybe it’s the “Maven” filter. #Mavenfilter #Instagramfilter

7) They told me, “Normal is boring”. I’m dancing at this traffic signal wearing my yellow onesie, red scarf and green socks waiting to be called “Interesting”. #normalisnotboring #embracetheroutine

8) Makeup without lipstick is like Biryani “with” Elaichi. #NoelaichiInMyBiryaniPlease

9) So many forms of love in the world- pure, selfless, unconditional but the one that stands above all is between “Set max and Sooryavansham”.#Heerathakur #zeherwaalikheer

10) Life is beautiful with a pinch of smile and loads of laughter in it. #laughlikethereisnotomorrow

11) “Self-care” isn’t always about candles, bath bombs and sheet masks. It’s also about introspection, taking time off, reading, learning, growing and healing along the way. #Selfcare #Selflove #betterme #timeoff

12) I agree, Life is short and YOLO but still repeat after me- “If it’s on sale, doesn’t mean you need it” #monthendblues

13) Revolving between being a Maximalist to an ultra-maximalist. #loveshopping #yolo

14) “Peace of mind” is the new cryptocurrency. #healthiswealth #zenmode

15) I woke up like this, except the blow dry, mascara, lip tint, blush and filter. Told ya I’m a natural.

16) Adulting is hard but then there’s “Chai”. #Tealover #Chaiislove

17) Yeah, I love Marathons. I do it on Netflix. #Netflixmarathon #bingewatch #Netflixandchill

18) I’m not afraid of getting my heart broken. Wine, chocolates and Fevicol come to the rescue. #sorrynotsorry #fevicolkajod

19) Nocturnal- One who planned to watch just “one more episode” till it was 5 am. #fml #everysingletime

20) Communication skills matter the most, specially how you speak to your own self. #selftalk #introspection

21) I heard that rare things are valued more so why on earth is the kindness underrated? #chivalryisdead #bekind

22) “Breathe” is the new “Hustle” and “Peace” is the new “Grind”. #Norunningaftermoney #slowdown #breathe #balanceitup

23) 50% savage, 30% hotness and 30% weak in mathematics. #ihatemaths

24) I am an introvert and extrovert depending on the situation and my mood. I’m basically a “Social Wallflower”. #Socialwallflower #confusedsoul

25) Other girls: “Find me in the wilderness”
Me: “Find me in the kitchen near the corner where Nutella and jelly are placed”. #Foodieme #Lovemesomefood

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26) This pandemic must be harder for the fake people. Wearing multiple masks need some next level skills.

27) It’s good to “go green”, not with envy but with the environment. #GoGreen

28) “Redwine and refill” sounds more fun to me than “Netflix and chill”. #Wineandcheese #Refill

29) “DBC” (Death by chocolate) is cheaper than Therapy. #DBC #Dessert

30) “Real men don’t take selfies” said some sexist jerk who takes secret selfies in the bathroom mirror.

31) How I wish I could straighten my life as easily as I do my hair. #HairGoalsAreNowLifeGoals

32) Good things come in small packages. And medium and large packages too. Stop obsessing over a certain size. Every size matters and so does every body type. #everysizematter

33) In this fast paced world, I am still stuck in the 90s. #90skid #GoldenEra

34) My style meter goes from a decked up unicorn to a bored Ursula in less than 20 minutes. #Gettingreadyistiring

35) It’s party night and I’m feeling as wasted as the “J” in Jagerbomb. #Sloshed #highonlifeandjagerbomb

36) I love watching sunsets because I’m usually 6 hours late for the sunrises. #Notamorningperson

37) I love the way I am; Flawsomely awesome! #selfobsessed #Acceptingmyflaws

38) Do you know what’s the most beautiful word I heard lately? “Petrichor” – The wonderful smell in the air after it rains. Lovely, isn’t it? #Mittikikhushboo

39) Live for the moments that leave you spellbound, even when you consider yourself a wordsmith. #Speechless

40) “Being grounded to my room. Not going out to meet friends or party. Sleeping early. My childhood punishments are now my adulthood goals.” #Notasocialbutterfly

41) Be a “chai” in the world of mochas and spice lattes. #Desikudi #Chaipecharcha

42) Pizza over love because the latter is never going to break my heart. #Pizzaislove #Cheeseburst

43) Can you spell “French Fries”? Did you find any “we” in it? So, please stay AWAY from my fries.#Sharingisnotcaring

44) Believe in spreading smiles like confetti. #Makepeoplesmile

45) I’ve done enough for the bank balance, let me do something for the soul now. #onelife #followyourpassion

46) Isn’t eating ice-cream a little bit messy, a little bit sweet and hell loads of fun? Life is exactly the same. #lifeisfun #livelifetothefullest

47) “May your internet be fast and your winger eyeliner perfect”! #Goodvibesonly

48) #Soulsquad because true friends are connected by soul.

49) My life feels like the chapter I had missed studying for my final exams.

50) If someone wrongs you, don’t curse them. Just wish they forget all their passwords and their reset code is set for their old number.

Hope you liked our list of some really cool captions! Pair these with your amazing pictures and enjoy all the attention on your posts. Happy “Gramming”!
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