Your name impacts every facet of your life. Hence, it becomes important that parents choose the name for their newborn child only after careful consideration. If you too are looking for a short and modern Indian baby name for your son, you will find this list of names handy. Today, we are presenting to you modern baby boy names with the initial letter S.
Indian Baby Boy Names with the initial letter S
For each name, we are also providing you with the Hindi spelling so that you also clearly know the pronunciation of each name. The meaning is of course, provided too – below each name.
1. Swaaksh

Meaning: One with Beautiful Eyes.
2. Sanil – सनिल
Meaning: The baby name Sanil is of course, beautiful. Likewise for its meaning. It translates to “gift”. A child is like an invaluable gift from god for every parent, so quite a beautiful and apt name for a boy.
3. Saanav – सानव

Meaning: Sun or Surya Dev. One of the most preferred Indian name meanings is ‘Sun’ or the Sun God. The way the Sun shines brilliant everyday, may this name have a similar impact on your son’s future.
4. Saugat or Saugaat – सौगात या सौगात
An enlightened being is called ‘Saugat’. It has an alternate meaning too – gift.
5. Suyash

What can be a more apt name than Suyash? It means ‘fame due to good deeds’. Wouldn’t you want to child to grow up and known everywhere for his good deeds!
6. Sanat – सनत
Meaning: It is one of the names of the creator – Lord Brahma. Let the good Lord’s blessings always stay with your child as he grows and prospers into a fine young man.
7. Samad – समद

One who is endless and immortal is known by the name ‘Samad’. These are the attributes of Lord Shiva and as such the name also means Shiva.
8. Sarvad – सर्वद
Sarvad is one of the thousands of beautiful names of Lord Shiv. Apt choice if you are a Shiv bhakt.
9. Shaunak – शौनक

While this is not a new name and has been around for a long time, I am surprised why it has never become very popular. It has a beautiful pronunciation too. Shaunak means ‘a sage’ or a teacher.
10. Shwaas – शवास
One who is brave and courageous is called Shwaas. If these are some of the qualities you would like to instil in your son, go for this short modern name.
11. Shauvik – शौविक

Shauvik means a magician.
12. Shawn – शॉन
This name is actually not of Indian, but of western or Christian origin. The name further traces its roots to the name Sean (as in the name of the famous actor Sean Connery), which is of Irish origin. It means “god is gracious”.
13. Shrey – श्रेय

Meaning: This short modern Indian baby name has several meanings – best, credit, welfare. It has many other meanings too.
14. Shretu – श्रेतु
This short name may sound modern, but it actually traces its origin all the way, thousands of year back to the period of the Mahabharata. It is actually a name of Lord Krishna’s son. If the Lord himself found this name fitting for his son, it must indeed be a special name!
15. Shripal – श्रीपल

It is one of the names of Lord Krishna. Also a name of Lord Vishnu – Krishna was an incarnation of Vishnu. It also has another meaning – ‘Lakshmi’s moment’. The first part of the name Shri is Goddess Lakshmi’s name. Pal in Hindi means moment. Isn’t that a beautiful meaning for a beautiful name!
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