Eyebrows – the one thing you can get into shape without workouts! To make your brows a work of arch, thicken them up! Not only thicker eyebrows give you more confidence but also more freedom to shape them the way you like them because we all have a favourite eyebrow that we’d want to introduce us before we do.
There is so much versatility you get with thicker eyebrows. So whether you have small eyes or small face, wide forehead or wide nose, fret no more. With thick brows, you can define your face and hide the flaws in so many ways. Here, we have some amazing ways to thicken your eyebrows naturally.
1. Aloe Vera for Thicker Eyebrows
The wonder plant-Aloe vera! Almost all of us have decided to get this plant by now, considering all its uses and benefits. Aloe vera contains Aloenin that helps in hair health and growth. You can extract Aloe vera gel from a leaf of this succulent or use a store-bought aloe gel for this remedy. Simply massage the gel on your brows for a few minutes and leave it on for half an hour. This can help in hair growth on your brows and get you thicker eyebrows.

2. Onion Juice
Onion juice is kind of famous too for promoting hair growth and curing baldness. If you have been shredding brow hair of late, its best for you to apply onion juice on your brows. Try it twice a day and wash them with a good soap or lemon to get rid of the foul smell.
3. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek is rich in mucilages that promote hair growth. Soaked and grinded fenugreek seeds are often used as hair mask for the benefits it contains. Make a paste with soaked fenugreek seeds and apply on your eyebrows with the help of either your fingertips or a small brush. It is slimy and sticky and difficult to wash off, but the mess is totally worth it. Repeat it twice a week for quick results.
4. Vitamin E Capsule
Vitamin E capsules are readily available in the market as well as online. Tocotrienol in Vit E helps in thickening of hair and improve the growth rate of hair very effectively. You can add it to your night ritual and leave it on overnight safely.
5. Milk
The most essential element of our daily needs is also essential for your brows. The nutritive contents of milk not only nourish your brows for better growth but also hair thickness. You can use a cotton ball to apply and massage raw milk into your brows and rinse thoroughly after 10 to 15 minutes. This can be a part of your morning ritual every day before you boil the milk.
6. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is easily associated with hair growth. It can be effectively used every day to get thicker eyebrows too. The proteins and lauric acid in coconut oil will help in fast growth of your brow hair.

7. Castor Oil
Massage a few drops of castor oil on your brows and leave it on for about half an hour. Rinse with lukewarm water to remove the greasiness of the oil for your brows before you start your skincare and makeup. You can also use different oils such as Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Linseed or Flaxseed Oil.
8. Egg Yolk
Egg yolk contains biotin, which is used in several cosmetics for various results. Using the natural form is definitely more advised and the easiest way to use it is through egg York. Make an eyebrow mask with a beaten egg yolk and leave it on for 20 minutes. Repeat this twice a week for desired results.
9. Essential oils
Various essential oils can be used to stimulate blood circulation and boost fresh hair growth naturally. You need a teaspoon of carrier oil like olive or coconut oil and add a drop of essential oil to it. Massage it nicely into your eyebrows and leave it overnight. You can use Rosemary Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil or Tea Tree Oil to start with.
10. Hibiscus
If you have hibiscus plant at home, you can put it to some good use finally. Take a flower or leaf from the plant, crush it well and apply it on your brows every day. Leave it for about half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water. The results will amaze you.
11. Curry Leaves
Curry leaves are efficient in promoting hair growth and hair thickening. It is also used as a remedy for baldness. All you need to do is boil a few curry leaves for a few hours and prepare a semi-thick concoction by straining it. Store it in an airtight glass bottle. Use an ear bud to apply this concoction to your eyebrows every alternate night before you retire for the day.
So get on with it ladies and choose the remedy that suits you the most. You can also pick more than one for quicker results if you can fit them into your schedule without overlapping.
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