More than we work hard to have toned legs and flat abdomen, a well-toned upper body is something a woman would kill for. Bra bulges can happen to any woman, whether you are cup size A or D, back fat that causes a bulge around your bra straps can be another dreadful revelation in the trail room. So how do you banish bra bulges without hitting the gym? If you had an option to perform a few simple exercises at home, without any equipment, would you still have a lame excuse not to do it? But before you get started, here’s a short word of caution, especially if you are a first-timer at the workout regimen.
Always start with a 5 minute long warm-up cardio exercise. This will not only increase your flexibility but also prevent injury or muscle stretch. Repeat each exercise 15 times or until your last cycle feels challenging enough to stop. Take a break once a week to allow recovery time for your muscles. If you feel any discomfort or pain with a particular exercise, you can skip it or modify it to your ease.
Here are a few simple exercises to banish bra bulges. You can thank us later.

Who says you cannot carry out pull-ups without proper equipment or hitting the gym? You will always come across something at home that resembles the pull-up bar and can be used for your workout. If not, you can invest in a portable pull up bar that fits in your door frame without any hardware installation.
As an alternative, if you have a sturdy door or metal gate, open it and use the door stopper. Face the door/gate, hold it from the top and pull yourself up using the strength of your arms, shoulders and back. Take yourself as high as you can, but using the same force and speed, repeat this 15 times without stepping down on the floor until you are done. This will not only tone your back muscles but also improve your functional strength.
Simple yet effective- this ‘TYI’ workout is done as it is spelled. Lie down on your stomach on the floor or yoga mat. Slowly move your arms up to form a ‘T’ with your body on the floor. Gradually move your arms to make a ‘Y’. Now make an ‘I’ with them. Repeat the T-Y-I positioning with your arms while the rest of your body is at rest. This might seem futile workout, but with 15 reps, you will start feeling the stretch on your sides and is surprisingly effective in strengthening your core and back.
Preferred read: Workout Tips for Women by Sunny Leone
Rope Skipping

This old school game is not only an efficient workout for your back and shoulders; it also helps in building your endurance. You can although find a rope somewhere at home, but even if you don’t, you can still perform this workout with an imaginary rope. Skipping without rope can be done by pretending you are holding a rope. Place your arms at your sides and jump as you do when skipping a rope. You need 10 minutes of rope skipping every day to get a lean back, toned arms and shoulders that will help you get rid of your back bra bulge.
This popular do-at-home exercise is wonderful for a full-body workout. Lie face down on the floor. Stretch your arms straight above your head. Raise your arms and legs in a position above the ground as much as you comfortably can but keep the rest of the body on the floor. Hold the raised arms and legs for a few seconds and then lower them down slowly to the floor. Repeat this exercise 15 times. You will find this exercise included in all popular workout sessions as this is extremely helpful in a full-body workout without equipment focusing particularly on your back muscles.
Arm slide
Also known as the floor mopping exercise, arm slide is done on all fours. Take a position with your feet and arms on the floor. Take the help of waste cloth, a towel or maybe paper plates under both your hands.
Squeeze your abs and start to slide your hands forward like you’d do to mop the floor. Once your arms are completely stretched out, you will feel the pressure on your core. Keep your core engaged and do not bend your back. Return to the starting position and repeat the cycle 15 times of arm sliding forward until your back is almost parallel to the ground and bringing your back up straight. This workout is extremely effective in not only banishing the bra bulge but also toning your abdomen and glutes, giving you a picture-perfect figure.
Arm circles
Stand straight ensuring the distance between your feet is equal to the width of your shoulders. Make a ‘T’ with your body by extending your arms straight out on the sides. Rotate your arms slowly to make 1 foot circles in the air with your arms in a clockwise direction. Repeat this exercise 15 times and then reverse the direction and make anti-clockwise circles. As your arm and shoulder muscles are directly connected to your chest and upper back muscles, this workout will help you tone the muscles you are trying to and burst the bulge around your bra, both front and back.
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