A very few amongst us are strangers to that stubborn oil stain which refuses to leave! Every time you put your favourite blouse on, the oil returns with a vengeance to stain, or so it seems. Oil stains can be tricky and removing them is even trickier. However, it’s not nearly impossible to remove them from fabrics.
The first thing you have to keep in mind in case of an oil stain emergency is to not let it sit. The longer it sits on your shirt, the shorter are the chances of removing it. In case of an oil spill, bloat the extra oil with a tissue paper or towel immediately. This will transfer the surplus oil onto the tissue paper from the surface of your garment. Repeat this step until the oil no longer transfers to the tissue paper or towel.
Dishwashing Liquids for Stain Removal
One of the easiest and most trusted methods for removing oil stains from garments involves dishwashing liquids. These are the standard liquids that you use for cleaning your greasy pots and pans. Dishwashing liquids are specifically formulated to cut through the grease and grime, making them perfect for tackling stubborn oil stains on clothes. Spread the dishwashing liquid evenly across the grease spot. Use an old toothbrush to gently scrub the area until it lathers nicely. Rinse it in lukewarm water and leave it to dry. If the stain is hard, you can also use harsher dishwashing soaps like Vim dishwash bar.
Add Vinegar to the Mix
If the stain persists, it’s time to move on to method two. Several housewives swear by vinegar for its ability to remove stains from clothes. Bloat the greasy spot with tissue paper and then rinse it in lukewarm water. Follow this up, by soaking the garment in a mixture of vinegar and water. The ideal ratio is one part vinegar for two parts water. Allow the garment to soak for about 10 minutes- vinegar may not stain your clothes, but it can damage the fabric.
Baking Soda to the Rescue
Another method to remove oil stains from your clothes involves the use of baking soda. Baking soda is not only pocket-friendly but it’s less harmful to the environment, compared to your chemical cleaner. (Tip: Not to confuse baking soda for baking powder. The latter is best for your fluffy cakes and muffins).
Take a cardboard and place it at the back of the stain. This will prevent it from transferring onto the other side. Now, generously cover the grease spot with baking soda. Let it be for an hour, giving it time to soak up the grease. For rinsing, take a bucket of water and add a few tablespoons of baking soda to it. It’s best to use hot water for this process, but if the fabric doesn’t permit it, use lukewarm or warm water. Take the cardboard out and let the garment soak in the bucket for about 15 minutes. Be sure to remove the surplus baking soda before taking it out of the rinse. Follow this step up by normally washing the garment with its usual detergent.
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