People, all over the world, look for at least a minimum level of compatibility with their potential partner. In a country like India, we seek advice from the stars – referred to as ‘Kundali Match’. On the contrary, the Japanese rely on blood type and they remain adamant that personality traits are strictly in accordance with the blood group with which one is born.
After the acceptance of linking blood groups to personality in early 1916, this method was then followed by the military to predict the strengths and weaknesses of soldiers. The Japanese have done a lot of research work and some of the scholars have even written books supporting the influence of blood group on an individual’s personality. However, there is no scientific proof of the same. We have gathered some interesting information especially for you about the personality traits of major four human blood groups, A, B, AB, and O.
Blood Group A
People with A blood group have great endurance and are extremely good at hiding feelings. Humans with this blood group are earnest, patient, sensible and responsible in their actions. They have strong creative instincts but also have reserved personalities. They are also very stubborn and tense.
Obsessed with work, they are easily stressed at work as they want to achieve perfection and get the best output. So it makes them the most reliable people for work.
They are happy in their small circle of friends and don’t like to get involved in arguments and confrontations as they are sensitive at heart. They are very trustworthy but also get hurt very easily.
The people with blood group A have one more scientific reason to rejoice i.e. they are less magnetic to mosquitoes! Famous personalities with this blood group – George Bush, Adolf Hitler, Jet Li, Britney Spears, and Richard Nixon.
They are most compatible with groups A and AB!
Blood Group B
Exceptionally independent and least bothered by the opinions of others, people with blood group B are creative, flexible and passionate by nature.

Though they get high on souls who live their lives to the fullest, they are hard to handle at times as they don’t listen to others and wish to do things in their own way. Mostly, these people are relaxed, bubbly, easy-going and like to speak their minds. They are goal-oriented and have high aims which they achieve by breaking the standard rules and it often makes them non-cooperative at work. They are not good at picking up on social signals.
Vince Young, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jack Nicholson are some distinguished names with this blood group and they are most compatible with B and AB!
Blood Group AB
Apart from being friendly, imaginative, adaptable and interesting, people with blood group AB are also unpredictable and philosophical. They are a mix of certain qualities of blood group A and free-spiritedness of blood group B. They are sometimes moody, emotional and selfish as well. They are also analytical and may show traits of split personality which makes them unpredictable at times.
Barack Obama, Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Chan, and John F Kennedy are some of the renowned personalities who have this blood group. They are most compatible with AB, B, A, and O!
Blood Group O
O blood group owners get along with everyone and are good mediators or problem solvers. They are quite visionary but they like to shun detailed-oriented and tedious work. They are born leaders and charismatic. Though they are often perceived as arrogant and overdramatic because of their over-confidence, but on the flip-side, they embody all positive traits of ambition and leadership.
They are the gamblers and risk-takers who love to taste success by all possible means. They, however, often need to be guided and monitored to get the desired work done.
Prominent names with this blood group are Queen Elizabeth II, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, and Ronald Regan, John Gotti, and Gerald Ford. They are most compatible with O and AB!
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