Coconut oil and camphor (Kapoor) are two amazing ingredients nature provides us with, and we can use it to make sure that our hair and skin are always in a good state. These two along with a host of others have been considered as the perfect remedy to a lot of our hair and skin problems.
Here’s how a coconut oil and camphor mix will serve you well in the event of these situations:
1. Dandruff
Switch on your TV and one of every third ad would be about hair issues, of which the biggest one is dandruff. Apart from the uneasiness, it feels really bad, especially when you are around people. Isn’t it?

Here’s how you can fix it: Mix Coconut oil with camphor and apply it to your scalp, and fire dandruff from its job.
2. Hair Loss
It is a fact that hair loss also leads to a loss of confidence. The reasons for seeing more hair lying on the bathroom floor or your comb than those on your head, may have something to do with your hair oil, eating, and sleeping habits along with a host of others.
Here’s how you can fix it: Take a combination of coconut oil and camphor mix, apply them on your hair, not your scalp this time, and you may witness gradual improvements against its nemesis hair loss.
You may also like to read: Quick Fixes from the Kitchen to Prevent Hair Loss
3. Itching
Itching is a common problem that is faced by most of us. There can be multiple reasons that make us susceptible to this skin condition.
Here’s how you can fix it: A mix of coconut oil and camphor yet again can come to our aide because applying these two together can give us relief on the itching area.
4. Allergy
Is your skin allergic to something and you have recently got in contact with the same item which is making you feel allergic more than ever before? If so, now is the time to get rid of the problem once in for all.
Here’s how you can fix it: All you need to do is put a paste of the aforementioned items along with fungi in the area where you feel allergic. The moment this paste is applied you will start seeing a change in your allergy level and it may go down to the bare minimum within moments.
5. Pimples
Pimples are one of those things that no one wants on their face or any body part but as the weather changes so does the situation. Although a lot of medicare products are available in the market for treating pimples as per skin type, but if you are a believer of home remedies then –

Here’s how you can fix it: Apply the coconut oil and camphor mix on the affected area and you will see a gradual reduction in the occurrence of pimples and lighten its scars.
Doesn’t this entice you to pick them up from the shelf and start using instantly?
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