
Warts Remedies For Different Body Parts That You Can Try Right Away

The internet is loaded with wart remedies and treatments and you might find yourself confused about the starting point. Which home remedies for warts among the long list are worth a try and which ones can be overlooked? Well, life is all about choices, so wouldn’t treating that darn wart be? If you are reading something like 40 amazing home remedies for warts you are literally trying to find a needle in a haystack. So once you get the basic yet vital information about warts, we’re going to give you a handmade list of home remedies for warts for different body parts so you know what to embrace and what to reject.

Are you wondering why do people get warts?

Warts are actually a viral skin infection on the outer layer of the skin caused due to papillomavirus, if you care to know. This is basically an external infection that reflects only the skin but can be severely painful.

Are warts dangerous?

All warts are not dangerous! That said, even benign warts that are not dangerous can be extremely contagious, not only to yourself but also to other humans around you. All it takes is a small scratch on the skin for your wart to find another home.

What is the Fastest way to Get Rid of Warts?

Disappointing as it may sound, there are no short cuts here. Warts take their own sweet time to develop and sweeter to vanish. However, home remedies can help shorten the time duration and ease the pain effectively. There are some medical treatments for warts too; we will enlighten you about them soon.

What are the Medical Treatment Options for Warts?

Medical treatments for warts are neither effective nor convenient. Cryotherapy is one option that sounds ridiculously easy but the fact is- it’s not. Your wart is treated with liquid nitrogen to freeze it. It needs long duration, repetitions and formation of an even more painful blister around the wart. Warts are also treated surgically with the help of an incision or through a laser beam. But these surgical methods are advised only if nothing else works.

How to Remove Warts on Your Face

Facial warts are not only unnerving but painful too. Who would want some skin tags hanging down your face, but we got your back. Try the following home remedies for warts on your face.

Lemon juice

The citric acid from the lemon juice will kill the virus and help you shred your facial warts soon. Simply dab a cloth ball in lemon juice and apply it regularly on the wart at least twice a day. In fact if you apply it all over your face once daily, it will help you get rid of your tanning too.


Use fresh-cut pineapple slice to rub it on your wart or soak your wart in pineapple juice to dry it up in a short while. Do not break this routine. Within a few weeks, you’ll be thanking us.

Vitamin C

Take a couple of Vitamin C pills and crush them and add a few drops of water to make a paste. Apply this paste on your facial warts and cover with a bandage. Repeat this process every night until your wart is gone.

Get Rid Of A Wart On The Hand and Feet

Warts on hands and feet are easily transmissible. You might touch your face or other body parts to spread the infection or pass it on easily to another person.

Garlic Juice

Take a few garlic pods. Peel, crush and squeeze to get enough garlic juice to apply on the affected area. Garlic has antiviral compound Allium Sativum that will help in getting rid of the wart. Apply a bandage over the wart and try to keep it as much covered as possible to check the spread.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has come wonderful antifungal and antiviral benefits. Take a small drop of tea tree oil and mix it with any carrier oil and apply it directly to your wart with the help of an earbud. Again, covering your wart with a bandage is important.

Ditch the Warts on the Genitals

Genital warts are pretty common and there is nothing to be worried or embarrassed about. Just a warning- genital warts are sexually transmitted so it is advised to maintain abstinence until your wart falls off or dries down.

Green tea

Green tea is recommended for genital warts as it will not hurt the sensitive skin on and around your genitals. Use a green tea directly or add coconut oil to it and leave it on your washbasin counter. Every time you go to pee, apply it to your wart after washing and drying the area.

Eat crunchy vegetables that contain Indole-3-Carbinol such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

Warts in Mouth, Tongue or Throat

As painful as it sounds, oral warts need immediate attention. Not only do they hurt you all time, they also make eating food miserable.

Green Tea

Make a routine to consume green tea every day. Besides that, take a swab of cotton, dip it in cold green tea and place it on your wart inside the mouth twice or thrice daily. Keep your mouth closed and abstain from talking and eating for 10-15 minutes.


Just as you did with the cotton soaked in green tea, you can also keep a peeled garlic clove in your mouth for 10 minutes and then spit it out.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also miraculous in treating warts, not only mouth, but you can also use it for your face warts, arms, elbows, knees, knuckles, and toes.

Childhood Warts

Treating warts in children can be pretty challenging as kids may not approve of the taste and smell of the components of home remedy. You need remedies that look much like an act of play to keep them interested.

Potato Slice

Rub a slice of potato on the wart twice a day for 2 weeks to observe the results.

Duct Tape

Put small duct tape on the wart and replace it every day until a fortnight.

Orange Peel

Rub an orange peel on the wart for 2 weeks. The wart will drop off as it dries.

Rashmi Walia

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