The Flipkart Big Billion Sale will end in less than 36 hours now. If you are looking for a beautiful kurti set for the festive times ahead, then we have you adequately covered. What we have done is handpicked some of the best ethnic kurti sets. These are the ones which are not only lovely, but also available today and tomorrow at less than half the price!
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If you are looking for an ethnic kurti set in pleasing colours, then you probably don’t need to look any further. This charming set is available right now at a very pleasing price too. At less than seven hundred bucks, I would say that it’s almost a must buy.
Original Price: Rs.1899
Sale Price: Rs.664
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I am personally not too fond of kurti and long skirts, but this blue ethnic set has definitely got me thinking. Of course, the discount adds further to my confusion!
Original Price: Rs.1999
Sale Price: Rs.1279
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This Jaipuri kurti set willl of course make for a good festive wear. But you could also later use it for any wedding or party wear. Available right now with 57% discount.
Original Price: Rs.3799
Sale Price: Rs.1609
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I have to admit this was a case of ‘love at first sight’. What an absolutely pretty colour! The designs on the kurti has not been overdone, letting the colour and the cuts take the centrestage. The palazzos and the kurti sleeves have been very smartly matched. Can’t find a single fault from head to toe.
Original Price: Rs.2599
Sale Price: Rs.1169
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Time for some darker hues now. Completely new hues, prints and style. The high point, of course, being the jacket. Pick this one for one of the many Diwali parties this month.
Original Price: Rs.2499
Sale Price: Rs.1599
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This beautiful pink kurti set with gorgeous golden prints will make for a perfect festive wear. You could even pick it up for the Diwali night. Just one thing: the price mentioned below is valid only for the next few hours. So if you liked it just as much as I did, then there is no point in delaying the purchase and spending more money.
Original Price: Rs.2299
Sale Price: Rs.965
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This one is selling like hot cakes. And I am afraid, only the ‘L’ size is left.
Original Price: Rs.2499
Sale Price: Rs.1124
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We had previously picked this same kurti-palazzo set but in blue. This one is an even lighter colour. But as pretty as the previous one. Pick it up today for a song.
Original Price: Rs.2299
Sale Price: Rs.640
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