
Five Easy Yogasanas to Beat Stress: Explained With Videos

Is stress becoming a major deal breaker for you, every day?  The things you used to take pride in doing, are they exhausting you mentally? We understand. To beat stress, today we shall talk about five easy yoga asanas (yoga poses) that can be done from the comfort of your home. You do not need to be an expert to do these, we have handpicked the poses to fit a beginner.

We have picked asanas which are easy on the limbs yet are best known to help relieve stress. Yoga also has the added benefits of regulating our internal body system and strengthening immunity. Keep a yoga mat ready with you, relax, take a deep breath and join us.

1. Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana is also known as the child pose – one of the easiest asanas for beginners. It’s also one of the first few asanas that are taught by yogis to ones initiating themselves into the way of life called Yoga.

In Balasana, you first kneel down on the floor, then let your two big toes touch each other. Now make yourself comfortable and take a deep breath, inhale. Slowly bend forward and let your forehead touch the floor; exhale while doing this. Your arms should be kept on the sides with your palm facing up if you find this uncomfortable, stretch your arms towards the front and place it, palm down. Place your chest on your thighs, regulate the breathing and stay in this posture for sixty seconds. Concentrate on the length of your spine while you are at it, you will be relieved of stress and fatigue and left quite relaxed.

2. Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)

Marjaryasana is also known as the Cat pose. In this asana, get onto your fours, bring your hands to rest beneath your shoulders while you rest your knees right beneath your hips. Inhale and then arch your spine like a cat does – Your spine should be directed to the ceiling and shoulders and knees should stay in the same position.

Relax your head and let it drop slowly but stop before your chin points to your chest. Inhale as you come back to the initial position and repeat. Do it a dozen times and see your joints relaxing, those are the points which are believed to hold the highest amount of stress energy. You can do this pose, right after the Balasana and maintain a beautiful stress management sequence or do it in isolation.

Or, watch this video for a good demonstration of the Cat Pose:

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana is also known as Downward Facing Dog Pose. Before you start this asana, relax your body and make sure your muscles and joints feel free and not stiff. Go back to the table top pose that you adopted for Marjaryasana – on your fours, inhale.

As you exhale, lift your hips, keep your knees and elbows straight and form an inverted V. Your hands need to be pressed on the floor, shoulder blades expanded, the neck should be stretched so that the ears touch the inner arms. Toes should be pointing straight ahead. Exhale, slowly bend your knees and return to your initial pose. Relax, inhale and repeat. This pose relaxes your limb, helps your respiratory system and beats stress.

Or, follow this video as Adrienne explains to you how to execute the Downward Dog Pose.

4. Supta Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana is also known as the Cobbler Pose. This is apt to be fit into the concluding phase of your yoga schedule. Lie down on the floor, back straight. Bend your knees slowly, let the feet come closer together, outer edges of the feet should be touching the floor. Heels pointed towards the groin, palms pressed down, next to the hips. Make sure that your limbs are relaxed and so is your spine. Inhale, exhale and open up your knees and feel your thighs stretch. Repeat this pose fifteen times, close your eyes and feel the stress dissolving away.

5. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Shavasana is also known as the corpse pose. This is the perfect conclusion to a yoga schedule, it also eases one out from yoga to meditation and ends it all on a bright note. It almost feels like taking a nap but as easy as it looks, it may not be. This is the asana in which you absorb everything you did, during the schedule and on how calm it has made you. You meditate to feel the peace within that you have passed on to your body. It’s not for nothing that we say happy mind, happy body. Lie down on your back, close your eyes and breathe evenly. Stay like that, as long as you wish. Get up and have a stress free and rejuvenated day.

Yogasanas are best practiced with a yogi who can teach you the right way because Yoga is not just about the posture, it’s about the regulation of thoughts and mental relaxation.

Lekshmi Nair

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